What is the phone number for the city of Kirkland?

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The phone number for the city of Kirkland is 206-386-6000.

Definition of Kirkland

Kirkland is a city located in King County, Washington, United States. The city's population was 116,925 as of the 2010 census. The city is the fourth most populous city in Washington and the largest city in the Seattle metropolitan area. The city's name is derived from Kirkland Lake, a natural lake located in the city's eastern section. The city's official phone number is 206-587-2000.

Overview of the city

If you're looking for a city with a lot to offer, look no further than Kirkland. This city is home to a variety of businesses and attractions, making it a great place to call home. If you need to reach the city's phone number, you can do so by dialing 206-898-2000.

Phone Number for the City of Kirkland

If you're looking for the phone number for the city of Kirkland, you can find it on the city's website. The phone number is 206-386-6000.

City Hall Phone Number

If you're looking for the phone number for the city of Kirkland, you can find it on their website. The number is (425) 586-4000.

Police Department Phone Number

If you need to contact the police department in Kirkland, Washington, their phone number is (425) 828-3434.

Fire Department Phone Number

If you need to contact the Kirkland Fire Department, their phone number is (425) 828-7000.

Other Important Phone Numbers

If you need to reach someone in Kirkland, there are a few important phone numbers you should know. The city's main number is (425) 828-2000, and you can also find information on city services and events on their website. If you need to reach someone outside of the city, you can dial (206) 553-3000.

Public Works Department

If you need to contact the Public Works Department for any reason, their phone number is (425) 828-7000.

Parks and Recreation Department

The Parks and Recreation Department can be reached at (425) 564-9000.

Planning and Development Department

If you are looking for information about planning and development in the city of Kirkland, you can contact the Planning and Development Department at (425) 889-7000.

The phone number for the city of Kirkland is 425-587-3000.

Summary of the phone numbers for the city of Kirkland

The phone numbers for the city of Kirkland are 206-386-6000 and 206-386-6100.

Resources for additional information

If you are looking for additional information on the city of Kirkland, you can call the city's phone number. The number is (425) 828-4000.

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